Automation Gone Bad
Today is Friday, December 22. Christmas is on Monday.
I received the standard number of spammy-type email solicitations today, but two stood out.
One was from Glassdoor:
Hi John,
Following up on my previous emails about Boloco on Glassdoor. I’d like to schedule some time for you to speak with my director who is currently managing your profile.
We’re available Monday or Tuesday afternoon – please let me know what day and time works best for you and we’ll send over a calendar invite.
Looking forward to hearing back, Joe Doe
So let me get this straight. You want me to speak with your “director” who is managing my “profile”? Wow, so honored 🙂  And wait… you are available on Monday or Tuesday??
Let’s have fun, I thought.
Sure…let’s do Monday at 8am. Perfect.
The other email I received was a follow on to three prior over-the-transom requests to which I had not responded and just deleted:
Any chance connecting this week or next?
To my short reply, I received an immediate OOO reply:

Shortly after this awesome Automatic Reply I received the inevitable “whoops” response from the Glassdoor salesman sharing the obvious… no, despite his offer to meet on Monday (Christmas) or Tuesday, he wasn’t actually available. He had never been available, and he had no idea that the emails were even being sent on his behalf.
I thought it was a hilarious breakdown of the automated systems, and decided to share it with my MASSIVEÂ readership today.
Enjoy the long weekend! 🙂
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