Today’s Marketing often is anything but Marketing
A recent Seth Godin post (pasted below) resonated (nothing new there), and I sent a note similar to what I share here to our whole team:
This is one of the reasons Boloco has struggled with “marketing” so often in the past few years. Most recently with our former operating partners, and really since the adoption of social media in the late 2000’s, marketing has been exactly what Seth describes here as what marketing should not be and really is, in fact, NOT…
We do the marketing today at Boloco without a marketing lead. In other words, each of you do the marketing. Think about it:
- We think about and execute on product design (recipes, sizing, restaurant layout, seating, etc)
- We handle – ok, obsess over – customer service as a top priority
- We think about and set pricing – not often of late, but we do
- We think about – ok, obsess over again – delighting our guests day in and day out
- We try to make boloco a remarkable, memorable experience for our guests and an important stepping stone to a positive future for our team members
Sometimes we do some pretty mediocre social media posts. Clearly, the other stuff is our strong suit.
This Sunday, by the way, is National Foodservice Workers Day.
Maybe our “marketing team” at Boloco can do something remarkable next week to celebrate… 🙂

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